Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sourdough Ciabatta



Bread. I'm kind of exhausted by it to be honest, I think I need to take a bread making class. Also I'm sooooooooo sick of the clean up, the mess is unbelievable. I don’t want to turn you off trying to make bread, but it has been SO HARD wrapping my brain around what the hell is going on with it all.

So this is a bizarre recipe that I'm not even going to bother posting because none of you should try it. I kind of got disheartened and gave up on this bread before it had even had the second rise, I just left it as a pool of dough in the tin and whacked it in the oven. So it turned out almost like chewy, sour, flatbread and it was quite nice. However at this point I have a sinking heart towards it all.

I discovered this website "Seitan is my motor" that looks like it has incredibly accessible bread recipes on there that I'm willing to give a go. I just need to have a few really good successes because as you can tell.. I'm down on the whole thing right now. Can anyone recommend any bread courses that aren't a million dollars? <3


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